I’ve been thinking. (It happens a lot.) Maybe it’s time I turn my company “Green”. After all, in all of our years in business, our ideas have never adversely affected the environment. Our product (creativity and strategy) is completely natural. Our carbon footprint can’t even be detected. It turns out we’ve been “Green” a long time. It’s time everyone knows it.
I’m a marketer after all, so I can very easily coin a new marketing term and tell new clients the same thing I said last year, but this year I will be socially conscious. That should get some press. Business may just start pouring in. Maybe the government could subsidize our brain storm meetings.
I may get so much business by being “Green”, I won’t ever need to show my portfolio again or even give another presentation. Yep, life will be great. Is anyone buying this? Then why do you think it will work for you.
Who convinced everyone that truth doesn’t matter and that honesty, integrity, loyalty, talent, and hard work are things of the past? All you really need to do is tell everyone you are “Green”. Oh, and don’t forget to create a facebook profile.
Principal 1: Build your business on solid business practices not gimmicks.
Principal 2: Avoid hype that gets you noticed for the wrong reasons.
Principal 3: Investing in the current trend will only mean you have to invest more in the next one.