Saturday, September 14, 2013

Politically Correct

I will quote a local talk show host Scott James, “I think my head is about to explode.” Where is common sense today? Let’s talk marketing. Is stereotyping wrong? No!!! There would be no stereotypes if they weren’t accurate. Let me ask you a question. Are hippies Republicans? (Whoops, you just stereotyped.)

It’s time for some marketing tips. Think about the last stand up comedian you heard. Were you offended? Someone was. Humor is subjective. Environment plays into whether or not you think something is funny. Laughter is contagious. Mood makes the difference.

What I just said was very deep. You need to know when and how your audience interacts with your marketing materials or advertising if you want them to be effective. Details matter.

Consider magazine advertising. When are people most likely to read a magazine? At their desk during work hours? (I am about to make another assumption.) Most people read magazines on their leisure time. This information should help determine how you should speak to them or even what should be advertised. Businesses today seem to be questioning whether or not to pull ads from print and focus on the web. Think for just a minute. When are people online? Do they bring their laptops to the bathroom, or the waiting room, or the beach? OK, so print is still viable.

Effective advertising is not the result of the magazine or website. It is a result of the ad. Concepts matter, style matters, strategy matters, and your product matters.

Do you think you or your company keep up with the ad spend of today's giants? Probably not. (If you can, I will still be willing to speak with you.) That means you need laser sharp focus in reaching your audience. You need to speak to the niche.

You need to stereotype to reach the maximum number of people. Someone may be offended. Oh well. They will still probably contact you when the time is right.



Principal 1: You must make assumptions to define your audience. (You must stereotype.) If you do, you will communicate more effectively to your target audience.

Principal 2: You cannot control all circumstances or people’s emotions. Play to the majority.

Principal 3: People are more willing to complain than praise. If you hear complaints don’t panic. Your materials actually evoked response. Congratulations. The results will likely overcome the negative feedback you may have to endure.