If people could really pick the "next big thing", Forbes would have to run a double issue of the world’s richest people. Still agencies uselessly spend their client’s money on focus groups, commercial testing and a bunch of other bogus research projects. Who came up with the notion that people know what motivates them to buy anyway?
The truth is, consumers don’t often think about their “motivation to buy”. So how can you expect to get accurate information in a focus group or poll? Don’t get me wrong, I know client feedback is important, but you won’t research yourself to success in the market.
(It’s time for my disclaimer… I’m not talking about Research and Development. R&D requires research and testing. I’m talking about B2B and Consumer marketing of existing products and services.)
Consider this novel approach. If your ads are working, celebrate and run more. If they don’t work, pull them and do something else.
Remember the Geico caveman commercials? I know people who loved those caveman spots and I know others that hated them. But I’m guessing the cavemen did well for Geico, until over-educated over-paid Hollywood executives looked at the data, added ridiculous amounts of research, and determined that a TV show with the cavemen would be successful. Wrong again! Maybe they asked the wrong people.
Principal 1: Research won’t guarantee success.
Principal 2: Spend your money reaching your audience not researching them.
Principal 3: Just because something works once, doesn’t mean that it will work again.